Engage Consult




Engage Consult is a secure, future-proof online consultation platform that features patient history-taking integrated with practice work-flow, offering the potential for a direct two-way confidential messaging service between clinicians and their patients.

At the heart of the Engage Consult is Instant Medical History (IMH), the consultation engine that has delivered over 36,000 online consultations in the UK since early 2015. Evidence shows that GPs can reap real productivity gains from using IMH to support clinical decision making.

patient using engage consult

Statistics indicate that on average 30% of time is saved by using IMH to contact their GP first when compared with pre-booked face-to-face consultations. The efficiency gain comes from patients providing a structured history of their symptoms in their own time, not the GPs.  The information gathered assists clinical decision-making for next steps: see patient, call with advice, refer or prescribe.

In addition, Engage Consult actively signposts patients to established self-care resources, pharmacy and alternative services such as out of hours and 111 where appropriate.  The messages patients receive via the e-consultation can be tailored by individual practices depending on whether patients use Engage Consult to request help either within or out of surgery hours.